Representative Netball

What is Representative Netball (REP)?

Representative (REP) netball allows athletes to travel away, compete, and represent their community at carnival competitions and elite sporting occasions outside of their local community. Players learn teamwork, build self-confidence through development of skills, learn about responsibility and independence, make lifelong friendships, and learn about the effort it takes to be successful.

Playing representative netball for MIANA is an honor and comes with certain expectations including but not limited to commitment, dedication, respect, teamwork, and punctuality. Regardless of the level to which players aspire, MIANA REP is designed to provide a challenging and rewarding experience for all involved, in which all players, coaches, team managers and officials can thrive.


A message from our President, Zara:

Unfortunately we have been unable to attract and secure a Rep Coordinator or Sub Committee for 2024. As a result, there will be no association rep campaign this year.

MIANA will do all we can to support Clubs who choose to send Club teams away to carnivals, including covering team nomination fees. If your Club is sending a team or teams away this year please let us know.

Rep is an important part of our association. Rep allows our athletes and officials to travel away for the sport they love and represent their community. They learn teamwork, build self-confidence, development their skills, learn about responsibility and independence, and make lifelong friendships. Suffice to say, the benefits of rep netball cannot be understated.

However, in order to host a rep campaign that is not only enjoyable for our players, but also safe and cost-effective, Rep needs dedicated volunteers to lead the charge. It would not be fair on players, parents, coaches, officials or sponsors to undertake a rep campaign that we are not able to properly resource. Adding more to the workload of existing volunteers would risk those people becoming over-burdened, or unable to successfully undertake the volunteer roles they had signed up for in the first place.

I know this decision will be disappointing for many people and, more than anything else, I'm sorry for the impact this will have on our kids. My hope is this year can serve as a reset for Rep, to come back bigger, better and stronger in 2025.